Mistletoe Bachelors Read online

Page 4

  He laughed and turned his attention back to the television.

  “No problem. We will be there shortly. Can you wait in the room you’re calling from?” The desk clerk asked.

  Not really. Cole, in his pajama pants and bare chest were too much. “Sure…hurry…please.” Embarrassed, she replaced the receiver and turned. “They’ll be here in a minute.” She folded her arms across her body. A pajama party was the last thing she needed.

  “No problem. Sit.” He tapped the bed next to him and shuffled over to make room.

  “I’m okay.” She turned her attention to the screen.

  Macauley Culkin ran through the streets of New York escaping the villains. Madison wished she could trade places with him. The danger of Central Park was nothing compared to the situation she found herself in. She shifted her weight and pulled out the desk chair and sat. Her eyes never left the screen. Better to appear engrossed in the movie than openly drooling over Cole’s six-pack abs and sculpted chest. This movie was funny. She crossed her legs and sat back to enjoy the comedic scenes. She hadn’t seen it in years.

  Fifteen minutes later, she jumped at the loud knock on Cole’s door.

  “Your key.” Cole stood and opened the door.

  Madison followed.

  “Here you are Ms. Grey. Sorry for the wait,” the bellhop said.

  “Thank you.” Madison took the key and exited the room.

  Cole handed the bellhop a bill.

  The man smiled and tucked it into his pocket.

  “I’ll pay you back,” Madison said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll expense it.” Cole laughed. “Sure you don’t want to stay and finish watching the movie?”

  Madison forced herself not to look anywhere but at the cardboard key. The temptation to say yes, too strong. “No, thanks.”

  “Okay, goodnight.”

  “Night,” she mumbled, letting herself into her room.

  She sat on the bed and grabbed the laptop, her thoughts on anything but writing. Get a grip. It’s not like you’ve never seen a shirtless man before. She shook her head and retyped her login on the laptop. Not one that hot.

  She scanned what she’d written, but images of Cole’s biceps and hairless chest blurred the words. She sighed.

  Loud laughter floated through the thin wall followed by a, “Sorry Madison.”

  Madison closed the laptop and pulled back the bed sheets. She climbed into the bed and fluffed the oversized, down-filled pillows behind her back. She grabbed the remote and flipped to the program guide. Home Alone Two was on channel eight. Why not? Tis the season after all.

  * * * * Madison pulled a tan V-neck sweater over her head and smoothed her static filled flyaway hair. She grabbed her brown dress pants from the edge of the ironing board and pulled them on over her hips. She sat on the edge of the bed and reached for her shoes. The hotel room phone rang. She cringed, wondering if she should ignore it. She could claim she’d been in the shower. Cole had already texted her cell phone to invite her to join him for breakfast, and her excuses to avoid spending time with her sexy travel companion were running out. She glanced at the clock near the phone. 8:06. They were meeting the Thompson’s at their family Christmas tree farm in an hour. She sighed and stared at the ringing phone. If she didn’t answer, he’d come knock on her door. She picked up the receiver. “Hello.”

  “Madison, hi.”

  Madison let out a sigh of relief. Samantha. “Hi, Samantha.” She gathered her notes, still scattered across the bed, abandoned from the night before.

  “How are things going so far?” Concern filled her friend’s tone. Madison paused. How were things going? “Better than I thought they would.” Most honest answer. “Of course, at this point it’s just the Christmas everywhere I look factor I’m dealing with, but the bachelor I met yesterday is wonderful, and his girls are adorable.” Her stomach growled. She poured a cup of coffee and grabbed a banana chocolate chip muffin from the basket on the desk. Eight dollars for a muffin? Oh well, Damian deserved a hefty travel expense bill for sending her on this assignment.

  “You sound better than the last time we spoke.” “Honestly, I’ve even found myself getting into the Christmas spirit a little bit.” She peeled the muffin and took a bite. Worth every penny of the eight dollars.

  “That’s great!”

  “Don’t get too excited.” Madison savored the muffin. “I’m not rushing out to buy a sweater with a reindeer face on it or anything.” She picked a chocolate chip from the top of the muffin and popped it into her mouth.

  Silence greeted her on the other end.

  “Samantha, tell me you’re not wearing a sweater with a reindeer face on it.” She took a sip of her hot coffee and smiled. She could get used to these travel assignments.

  “It was a gift from my aunt last year.”

  Madison laughed.

  The sound of yelling on Samantha’s end on the line made her move the receiver away from her ear. “What is that?”

  “The boys. Mason is sick today, so I stayed home with him.” She lowered her voice. “I made the mistake of keeping the other two home from daycare to have a Christmas craft day.” She covered the receiver. “Boys! Quit bickering. Mason give your brother back the googly eyes.” She yelled to her kids.

  The boys were cute, but they fought often, as brothers do. “Everything okay?” Samantha laughed. “Oh yeah, just typical brotherly love.”

  “Googly eyes?”

  “Candy cane reindeers—you know with pipe cleaner antlers and googly eyes.” Samantha laughed. “Never mind, I forgot who was talking to.”

  “No, I know what you’re talking about.” Maybe the Thompson girls might like to make those later that day. If they left early enough, she could stop and buy the supplies on the way. She smiled, liking the idea.

  “You do?” Samantha’s shock was evident.

  Madison shook her head and laughed. “You know Sam, I was a child once too.”

  “I know…sorry you just dislike Christmas so much I figured…”

  “Don’t worry, I know I won’t be winning any awards for Christmas spirit any time soon.” But for the sake of her sanity on this trip, maybe it was best not to try so hard to avoid the festivities surrounding her. The day before had been much more enjoyable when she’d let go of her Grinch mood and participated in the events.

  “Oh no, Madison. I hate to cut this short but Jake’s gluing his hand to the candy cane…”

  “No problem, Sam. Call me later. Give the boys a hug for me.” She replaced the receiver and smiled. Her friend was incredible. She didn’t know how she did it.

  * * * *

  “Here you go, Madison.” Cole handed her a cup of steaming black coffee later that evening. The Thompson girls decorated their freshly cut, nine foot Christmas tree, and the three adults supervised to ensure all the bulbs didn’t end up on the bottom branches. Even without decorations, the tree was spectacular. Symmetrical and full. It had been planted on the family farm for this occasion thirty years before when Scott was a boy.

  “Thank you.” Madison glanced at her watch and frowned. “We should leave soon.” The thought of ending their time with the family saddened her. In a few short days, she’d grown fond of them. As much as she hated to admit it, she was also growing fond of their uncle. A little too fond of him. He loved children, and his nieces adored him. He would make a good father. She wondered what he would be like as a husband. She flushed and looked away from his gaze.

  “Madison, come help us string popcorn for the tree.” Emma carried a big plastic bowl of popcorn into the living room. She set it on the floor in front of the tree and kneeled beside it. She popped a handful of the treat into her open mouth.

  “Hey! Leave some for the tree.” Amelia strung several needles with long lengths of thread. Grateful for the excuse to put some distance between herself and Cole, Madison sat on the floor around the big bowl of popcorn and accepted a needle from Amelia.

  Cole resumed his
post behind the camera.

  Madison couldn’t wait to see his photos. He must have taken a hundred or more of the Thompson family that week. He refused to let her even take a peek.

  Scott joined them a moment later and popped a disk into the CD player. Soon the sound of the Chipmunks Christmas Carols competed with a chorus of ouches and laughter as the group pricked their fingers with the needles.

  “Uh oh, Madison, you’re bleeding!” Emma’s face turned white, and her eyes widened.

  Blood trickled from Madison’s finger. “You’re right.” She grabbed a tissue from the box on the end table. Blood soaked through the thin mesh. “Wow. That must have been a deep one.” She laughed at the look of concern on the eight year old’s face. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”

  “Let me take a look at that.” Cole set his camera on the tripod and knelt next to her on the floor. He took her hand in his.

  A ripple of electricity spiralled through Madison’s core at the touch. His hands were strong, gentle and warm.

  “I’m fine really. It’s just a tiny dot—you won’t be able to see it.” Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as he examined her finger.

  The two girls stopped working and watched in fascination.

  “We don’t like to take any chances around here, do we girls?” Cole’s smile was mischievous as he winked at his nieces.

  “Nope! Kiss it Uncle Cole.” Emma moved closer to watch.

  The older girl giggled, and Scott hid a smile behind his coffee cup.

  Madison yanked her hand to free it from his grasp, but his hold tightened, preventing her escape. “Really, I’m fine.”

  “Just to be safe.” Cole’s eyes held hers as he lifted her finger to his lips.

  The kiss was quick and soft. As his lips grazed the surface of her skin, a shiver vibrated through her.

  She pulled her hand away and turned her attention to the girls. She fought to make light of the exchange despite her racing pulse. “That was a close one, but I think I’ll be able to keep the finger.” She examined the tiny dot on her shaking hand and nodded.

  Emma sighed in relief

  “Get back to work.” Amelia shoved the string of popcorn into her sister’s hand.

  “Madison, we should go.” Cole picked up his camera and tucked it inside the case.

  “NOOOO!” Emma squealed, a frown forming on her face.

  “Do you have to?” Amelia turned to Madison, disappointment evident in her tone. The two had formed a bond in their brief time together.

  “Yes girls. Uncle Cole and Madison have plans tonight.” Scott said.

  Cole shook his head and put a finger to his lips behind Madison’s back.

  “I think…” Scott wore a confused look. He threw his arms up and shrugged. “Sorry Cole, I never was one for keeping secrets.”

  “What plans?” Madison frowned and turned to face Cole. This was the first she’d heard of any plans. Her plans for the evening included finishing the manuscript she’d given up on the night before.

  Cole shrugged. “Nothing special. I have to go to my studio in the city, and I thought you’d like to come with me before we head back to the hotel. It’s on the way.” He picked up her coat from the back of an armchair and helped her slide into it.

  “I don’t know. I have work to do.” Madison lifted her hair above the collar of her jacket. She was dying to see his work. From Samantha’s praise, she suspected he was a fantastic photographer.

  “Oh, come on.” He rubbed her arms and turned her around to face him. “I did save your finger after all.” He reached for the buttons on her coat.

  She shot him a look through narrowed eyes and moved away from him. “I don’t know…”

  “I’ll even treat you to one of New York’s finest stale jumbo dogs I saw you drool over yesterday.” Cole teased, a last attempt to persuade her.

  “I was not…” Madison blushed. The smell from the street vendor’s hot dog stand the day before, outside of the hospital, had indeed been tempting. She hesitated. Her size six pants fit a bit tight. “Fine.” She sighed. She could diet in the New Year. “But we can’t be too late.” Madison made him promise. She did have work to do. Damien had emailed the night before wanting her notes on bachelor number one. She tried not to let him bother her, he was checking in on her, though she suspected he didn’t treat the other staff writers the same way.

  “It will only take a few minutes. I need to grab more film. I’ve taken more pictures, so far, than I’d planned.” Cole slid into his leather jacket and wrapped his scarf around his neck.

  After saying goodbye to the Thompson family, Madison and Cole climbed into his truck and arrived at his downtown studio less than fifteen minutes later. Located on the top floor of a loft style building, with windows lining one complete wall from ceiling to floor, the suite had a magnificent view of the city. “I love the view.” Madison approached the window.

  “That was the biggest selling feature for me.” Cole nodded as he joined her at the window. “This city is incredible, especially at Christmas time. There is always a hustle and bustle down below on the streets, and it’s so great to watch it from up here. Do you visit the city often?” He asked.

  “No, not since the d…” Divorce. No need to open that topic for discussion. “Not since accepting the position at Women’s World.” She turned to admire the artwork on the walls. “These are amazing.”

  Her attempt at changing the subject was successful.

  Cole took her from photo to photo explaining where each was taken. Photos from Europe and Japan, Tokyo and Germany lined the walls. Some were in color, and others were in black and white. The majority were scenery and architectural shots, but Madison noticed many beautiful women in some of the photos as well.

  Girlfriends? None of your business.

  “Just models from the photo shoots.” Cole winked.

  She blushed. She was so transparent. People could always read her thoughts. “Would you like a glass of red wine?” Cole opened the mini bar fridge and took out an

  unopened bottle.

  “Red wine goes straight to my head.” Madison sat on a barstool.

  “That’s a yes then.” Cole grinned as he poured a tall glass of wine and handed it to her. “To

  one bachelor down, four more to go.” He raised his glass. She smiled and sipped on the wine. Pace yourself. Maybe it would slow the usual effect of the alcohol.

  “Are you from New York?” Her curiosity about him grew the more time they spent together.

  “No. I’m from Florida State. I came to New York seven years ago for a week long job opportunity and never went back. You?”

  “California born and raised, then I moved to Ohio to work as a freelance journalist for a human rights magazine after college. Four years ago, I was offered a full time editorial position with The Times, and now Staten Island is home.” She didn’t mention home was an empty, one room apartment.

  “Where did you study journalism?” Cole added more wine to her glass before replacing the cork. He pulled out a barstool next to her and sat.

  “Berkeley Graduate School at the University of California.” Madison took a sip of wine.

  “It’s funny, I always thought California girls were tall blondes, not gorgeous brunettes.” He brushed a stray lock of hair off of her shoulder.

  Goose bumps surfaced on her skin. “I could say the same for Florida boys.” I’m flirting. His touch had felt good. Must be the wine. Her skin was warm and she felt light-headed. She pushed her wine glass away. That’s enough of that.

  “Fair enough.” He laughed.

  Her heart raced. Nope, it had nothing to do with the wine. Was he getting better looking the more time she spent with him? She shook her head. Wine. It's the wine. She reassured herself as she glanced up at his handsome face. “Maybe we should go.” Spending time alone with him was not a good idea.

  Cole checked his watch and drained the contents of his glass. “Yeah, okay.” He stood and removed her coat f
rom the back of her chair.

  She slid into her coat and fell off balance. What was in that wine?

  He wrapped an arm tight around her waist to steady her and drew her into his muscular frame. “You okay?” His breath was warm on the side of her neck as he murmured into her ear.

  Madison cleared her throat and took a step forward out of his embrace. “I’m fine.” She swallowed hard.

  He maintained his grip on her waist as she turned to face him.

  “I told you the red wine would affect me.” She gave a nervous laugh as he took a step toward her, closing the distance between them.

  “Are you sure it’s the wine?” His eyes burned into hers.

  No. She lowered her chin and nodded.

  He slid a hand under her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. The intensity in the ice blue eyes made her pulse race.

  Why did he have to be so handsome? She fought the urge to wrap her arms around his neck.

  “Madison, you are a beautiful woman.” Cole traced a hand along her jaw and down the hollow of her neck. His face lowered until his forehead rested against hers.

  Madison refused to raise her gaze to him. He is your co-worker. What are you doing? What was he doing? She couldn’t let this assignment become any more complicated. She took a deep breath and broke free of his grasp. “We should go.” With shaky hands, she busied herself with the buttons on her coat.

  Cole’s face fell as his arms dropped to his sides. “You’re right. It’s getting late. Just give me a second to grab more film, then we can head back to the hotel.”

  Madison grabbed his arm as he turned away. “Cole.”

  “Yeah?” His expression was hopeful.

  “You still owe me a hot dog.” She let his arm fall back to his side.

  Cole laughed and shook his head. “Yes I do, little lady.”

  Chapter Four

  Bachelor number two, Nathan Harper, was an overnight success in the fashion industry. His modern designs for Gucci appeared overnight, and his overwhelming success followed suit. Designer shoes and handbags with the NH logo were this year’s rage all over New York. Madison had to admit she’d been tempted more than once to purchase one of his big ticket items. His designs were practical as well as stylish, and his shoes were comfortable to wear for more than an hour at a time, a rare find for high heels.